Kat McIver

Kat McIver was born and grew up in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. She has always been interested in art and craft and enjoyed working with her hands: knitting was her first important medium. Even though her clay technique was self-taught, the medium has always had a spiritual and professional significance for Kat. While pursuing her Master's degree at the Institute of Culture and Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California, she created her first 6-foot tall sculpture of clay, which she padded and dressed, as part of her thesis. Later, when pursuing her Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, she got registered as an expressive arts therapist and wrote her dissertation on clay as a spiritual practice. She describes her experience of creating as a 'radical response and prayer to life.' Her surroundings, current events, and sometimes her reading inspires her work. Kat enjoys working with clay because of its grounding, healing aspect, and direct touch. She sometimes adds mixed media such as wool, fabric, feathers, and antique finds to complete her vision. She lives and works in the Rogue Valley.