Gallery Statement

“Our Bodies”
A Rotating Exhibit

Crooked Mile Gallery believes personal ‘privacy’ is inherent in personal liberty and protected in the
U.S. Constitution.  The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe v Wade is a direct attack on the Constitution, democracy, and the rights of all citizens.  To restore our rights and moral values we must leave our comfort zones, take risks, and fight back. 

Art has power.  “Our Bodies” lays the body bare, literally and figuratively, mingling comfort with discomfort.  Crooked Mile Gallery aspires to plant creative seeds of uprising and dissent.  Art does that. And each of us can do more.

 “Our Bodies” is a celebration of all things ‘woman’.
Beautiful  - Seductive – Intelligent - Fierce.

 “Our Bodies” is a tempest of feminine energy.
A cohesion of sisterhood to feed the will, tenacity, and unrest required to persevere.

 “Our Bodies” is a direct statement of the fundamental right of all people to control
their own bodies.

 Women are important.  Women are capable.  Women will not be suppressed.